Rip it up and start again

By Seriously - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after having just cleaned my office at work, I sat at my desk and opened a can of Diet Coke, which then exploded all over my desk, keyboard, and everything else in its path. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 410
You deserved it 8 373

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

once a diet coke explodes, there's nothing stopping it's path. Entire cities have been wiped out because of diet cokes.

that's why you drink normal coke not diet


It's a double post! Get down!! GET DOOOOOOWWWN!!!!!!!!

Snowstar 0

How about replacing "Diet coke" with "Manparts"?

brycereid 0

double post and double the fail

monkey coke.. i get your joke. poor bloke.

ipodseller 0

that does suck.. they were out of pepsi.

soft drinks are unhealthy , try water -.-

CaptSkippy 9

44 they can hive you Colon cancer :o

looks like you've got a sticky situation there

it looks like your day just blew up in your face

it looks like your day just blew up in your face

Eggers 2


Eggers 2

woh, glitch. it puts your comment twice automagically. fail combo breaker :[

juicedboi 7

That is god's way of telling you not to clean. Or maybe he just needed a good laugh.

CateXOX 0

15- "... and opened a can of [man parts]...". Nope, I'm not seeing that,

Prankster7o7 5

Heh, diet sodas, biggest scam since bottled water.

Randuhh_17 4

30- your picture reminds me of the zebra know the one you can put, funny, little zebra tattoos on your tongue?.. good gum..;p

Exactely what i planned commenting:)

there isnt one fml i've read and felt completely surprized. scared and creeped out..but never surprized.

thtsuxs 0
Thabb 0

Why the hell do you even comment if you'll only say "haha"?

Why the hell do you comment if your only gonna comment on someone else's comment, hmmmmmm?

cokokovojokooookojikpoivovkocokhojohop oppooohoojoolhikvoip jocohvojhoxknpjooljvcjvjphnjjponjuvojohojpoooholpojxhco jokcjok ooolholjokoojokoipcohkoocj ivovijx hjpvoipkooohjcopolkojojoooljijovkxjxjokiijcojohookjjph oojjohxooooooopkjohjovhook opokooo opcjkokjpkjooohoojokcjokolojoohojh iohjchjpojoooookooojoojoojpjoookovihohojokobjchkcjoojxoklholcokckcvonvokooohkxohcohkoijolloohokookv k oojcoochkoxkpovooovcoo ohojocokok cojocophijojohhoojjpoijvojovokxvkohvopoxvooojopooojvicoojoljocke

Blunt person 16

If "you're". Learn proper grammar.

Diet Coke doesn't like you. So it decided to take its revenge.

yea, that is why you should drink regular coke

MuffyStJacques 0
futtbuck101 1

I think Pepsi is responsible for it. They're trying to take out the competition by shaking all Coke cans, one at a time.

TinyDude 10

at least op didnt need any mentos.

I think someone in the office watched OP clean his office then shook up diet coke to watch him ruin his office he just cleaned..... FYL OP for having someone in your office who hates you

if you don't know who it is, I say put a "rigged" can on each coworker's desk. that'll teach 'em.

or OP got it from a machine, and it got shaken up whilst being dispensed.

QueenOfBoredom 0

you used the word "whilst" I like you now

iAmScrubs 19

once a diet coke explodes, there's nothing stopping it's path. Entire cities have been wiped out because of diet cokes.

OMFG is THAT what happened to Pompeii?!?

Yes, those stupid idiots mixed the died coke with mentos.

agaba 0

the atlantians were coke pryo's look at them now

that's why you drink normal coke not diet

when I was young we had orange juice.

Pepsi who? Just kidding. I like Pepsi okay, but nothing can beat Coke!

KiddNYC1O 20

mountain dew used to have chemicals that kill sperm.

forestqueenie 0

it would be rum and coke, jeez what a noob :

Randuhh_17 4

jeez Louis...gettin so bent out of shape.. I like callin' it that, cause usually the drinker ends up sayin' roman coke...I thought it would be funny.... learn to NOT take shit so seriously...douche..