Roid rage incoming

By screwed - 22/12/2010 17:56 - Canada

Today, I accidentally walked in on my roommate while she was changing clothes. She insisted on telling her boyfriend what had happened, because, "It wouldn't feel right" if she didn't. Her boyfriend is a MMA fighter/bodybuilder and has major jealousy issues. I'm screwed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 372
You deserved it 4 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can't outrun him, tell him your gay.

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

Your roommate sounds like she is just looking for an excuse to start some drama.... or to see you physically hurt.


BrenBry 0

Okay, so if he has such jealousy issues, why she have a male room mate? Secondly, if he so jealous, why tattle over something innocent? Sounds like drama starting bitch.

I definitely agree with the gun-buying suggestion. Nobody's going to take 6 rounds to the head and chest and keep coming after you. I also suggest looking for a new roommate. You know, one that's NOT a drama queen.

Daddymo 14

Just because he does MMS and he's a bodybuilder doesn't mean you can't kick his ass. Walk up close to him and knee him in the balls, when he's lying on the ground tell him to stop being a jealous dick.

xGabri3L 3

it either a make up threesome or hire a bodyguard

justbigbs 6

Have shotgun ready and loaded, or say your girlfriend was cheating on you because there was another guy on the bed when she was changing.

MrLefty 8

Haha I always enjoy your comments Perdix. They're some of the few I actually laugh out loud at.

if he has jealousy issues, why is he letting her live with a straight dude?

whiteboy84 0

why hide when it was an's not your fault

Why do girls always like to get there bf's jealous