Roommates from hell

By HGTV - 01/10/2013 18:43 - United States - Boston

Today, I got home to the smell of permanent marker and the discovery that my roommate's little sister had drawn flower petals around every polka dot she could reach on my walls. I just put up the wallpaper last weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 874
You deserved it 4 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheCaramelKing 11

Make that bitch put up new wallpaper.

Not gunna lie I would be all over that shit. Dots are always just asking for petals.


Personally i'd just keep it and possibly ask her to do more of them. It helps her by allowing her to be creative, gets you some cheap decorations for the wallpaper and it's unique tbh. When you move out, if you think your landlord will withhold your deposit, just remove the paper.

It also would teach her not to respect other's property and that it's ok to do things like that without permission first. Even if it turned out gorgeous, nourishing a child's creativity should not be done at the expense of teaching the child right from wrong. What if this kid's next idea for an art project was turning your car into sketch art with a rock?

Sweetpea22 14

Ok I will come to your house and spray paint your garage. It's ok though, I am only expressing my creativity.

That is incredibly cute OP. I would pat her on the head and give her a lollipop. Definitely brings life to a boring polka-dot wall. Just laugh it off OP.

Well it's still the roommates responsibility. It only makes sense that they should pay.

I used the Magic Eraser things to remove it from my painted walls, but I'd be worried that it would take the color off the dots themselves too, or damage the paper itself. If you can find a way to remove it, I'd say get the room mate or the girls parents to do it, or at least pay to clean/replace it. Someone should have been watching the child. Also I think polka dot wallpaper could be cute if it matches the rest of the room.

Sweetpea22 14

I would force the roommate and roommates parents to put up new wallpaper. I am appalled that people are saying "How adorable" it is. The point is, the girl had no right to do that to OP's wallpaper without permission

Use rubbing alcohol it will either take it off or smear it. Point is it kinda takes it off.

Now you got a flower pattern...maybe it's not too bad have her finish the wall...or try taking some 91% rubbing alcohol that should take the marker off...and maybe cause the wallpaper to peel also...I am not sure...

Well that's what you get for having polka dot wall paper I suppose

1. Why was a small child left alone long enough to draw on walls?(I'm guessing she's little because that sounds like a little kid thing) 2. Someone owes you knew wallpaper.