By inboxbuddies - 16/06/2009 10:35 - Saudi Arabia

Today, my daughter asked me if we could make sticker art. Of course I said it was OK so she went to get some stickers. I wondered where she was going when she walked into the bathroom, but I didn't ask. I left the room and when I came back, her paper was blank and my pads were stuck to the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 516
You deserved it 5 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that's more cute than anything else, if that had happened to me I'd have just laughed. I mean, pads are pads, they're nothing to be embarrassed about.

notFUNNYtoMEass 0

ya, cause you know you have to be watching them EVERY second of the day. god forbid they actually go do things on their own. you must have never been around kids.


Well, it's not THAT much of an's kind of funny/cute. however, it's a fml because now the OP has to go out and buy brand new pads (not that big of a deal, but still an annoyance.)

lol my sister did that when she was little

Googlemypants 0

O.O ok.... AWKWARD....... ._.

because GOD FORBID she sticks your lily pads onto the wall!! big deal at least they wernt used ... im getting an uncomfortable vision o-o YES I CALL THEM LILLY PADS

TheyCallMeStromz 0

not an fml, but this got through so...THAT SUCKS

happygoluckyhh 0

say YES to originality :D did u took pics ?

Mother of the year award. Just left her unattended? Were you out back blazing a rock?

notFUNNYtoMEass 0

ya, cause you know you have to be watching them EVERY second of the day. god forbid they actually go do things on their own. you must have never been around kids.

i agree, besides, every child who's EVER discovered pads has done little sister covered herself in them from head to foot...big ******* whoop we seriously need a "So what?" button...