Roommates from hell

By HGTV - 01/10/2013 18:43 - United States - Boston

Today, I got home to the smell of permanent marker and the discovery that my roommate's little sister had drawn flower petals around every polka dot she could reach on my walls. I just put up the wallpaper last weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 874
You deserved it 4 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheCaramelKing 11

Make that bitch put up new wallpaper.

Not gunna lie I would be all over that shit. Dots are always just asking for petals.


That's cute at least she's creative :)

Sweetpea22 14

Yeah, defacing a person's property without permission is so adorable, isn't it? The OP should ban the child from the house until she learns how to behave herself

nachosbabygurl 9

make her mom pay to replace all the wallpaper her kid messed up

The_Shrimp52 19

While what the kid did was wrong, I must say it takes some dedication to do that to every dot in reach.

polka dot? lol .. can't blame her for wishing to improve on your bad taste

Where was your roommate while their little sister was drawing all over the walls?

jairienfaite 20

it is a cute story to tell at least :). It will cheer you up when needed. Kids are innocently cute.

CharleeBee 6