Roommates from hell

By ugh - 30/09/2011 19:45 - United States

Today, after a month of living in a pigsty of an apartment with my roommates, I spent the day cleaning the place out. When everyone returned home, instead of thanking me, all they could do was point out the spots I'd missed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 450
You deserved it 3 514

Same thing different taste


Wow me I would hav Said then get the *** out bt thts just me

daydreamer244 13

that's when I'd start shooting.

LOL! Yeah when I hit the meth pipe before cleaning it goes MUCH better. You should try it next time...

hannahcorrine 0

That's when your pimp hand comes to use

Just don't clean up anymore and see if they appreciate you now.

kiakia0131 23

FYL. Living with room mates suck. My room mate is a slob too. But I'm outta here in December so it isn't too much longer to deal with.

isis_morrigan 18

tell them those are the spots u saved for them to take care of...

scottgeo 0

I hop you at least dumped all the dirty shit in their vehicles or all over their clothes.

Jesus, if you are going to point out stuff that's not clean, at least have the decency to clean it up yourself or help the other person do it.