
By notsosexygirl - 21/02/2009 09:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I was doing my usual routine at the gym which consists of working out on the treadmills right in front of my ex boyfriend to make him feel bad. Whilst doing this, I tried to be cool and do that thing where as the treadmill slows down you turn around and just walk off the end. I fell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 075
You deserved it 68 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes, he knows what he missed alright... a clumsy, silly show off.

I think you're a little too hung up if you're usual routine is to practically stalk your ex. Even if you have memberships at the same gym, it would be more healthy emotionally if you just went at a different time than him.


goflyakite 0

everyone seems to have a stick up there butt. i have my moments once in a while...where i forget im a huge loser and attempt cool things. everyone has those moments. and hell, if my ex lied to me for that long and i had a sexy bod, i would show it off too. but i don' i don't.

savesam 0

i would have pretended that i fainted.

rawchelllll 0

Ex boyfriend, #4. And like none of you have ever tried to impress someone. Good for you, for trying. Just practice when he's not there or something, and then nail and bam, instant "oh damn" reaction.

Good for you, you stupid ****. Guys don't usually cling unless they're really truly in love. All you're doing is wasting your time, unless he's a pussy and can't date.

Ha Ha, you're still hung up on your ex, and you choose to handle it in petty and immature ways. Welcome to the real world.

retoxified 0

Serves you right for being a bitch.

At least you tried. Even though it didn't work out to well.

Were you expecting sympathy? For trying to show off to an ex-boyfriend for no reason other than pettiness? YDI, completely.