Run for the hills!

By kringr - 06/06/2011 00:52 - United States

Today, I went to my high school reunion. I was super excited to see what everyone had done in their lives. The nerdy guy I bullied is now a U.S. Marine and already has two deployments in Afghanistan under his belt. He looked at me in his dress blues and said, "I remember you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 252
You deserved it 135 189

Same thing different taste


SynysterNero 20

I hope he kicked your ass

You totally deserved that... Bullies are just cowards trying to take out their insecurities on those weaker than them.

dress blues are the dark navy blue suits you see marines in, with the white cap. its basically the military issue version of a suit. google marine corps dress blues

So, let me get this straight; You went to your highschool reunion, saw that the guy you used to bully became something wonderful, he remembered you as the ******** who was awful to him, and now you're asking for sympathy on FML? Cool beans, buddy.

doglover100 28

Don't ******* bully. Karma came and bit you in the ass.

You shouldn't have been an asshole

LostInTheZone11 29

From the halls of Montezuma...

marines are awesome. i took the asvab for the marines, got my scores and the army wouldn't leave me alone -_-

Iv said this before and ill say it again you don't pick on nerd because they are smarter that u and will almost infallibly end up being more successful than any one who would pick on then and in many cases end up being your boss