By Childhood - 12/12/2009 03:12 - United States
Same thing different taste
By feelinblue - 23/06/2009 11:31 - Australia
By unluckymiss - 24/01/2010 06:03 - United States
Sins of the Mother
By speedster - 24/06/2021 06:01 - United States
By singleasapringle - 13/03/2016 06:41 - United States - Brooklyn
By Anonymous - 01/07/2013 17:49 - Canada - Coquitlam
Office embarrassment
By mog - 07/11/2019 08:00 - United States
By itwasajoke - 25/12/2016 21:23
By Jusawkward - 01/10/2009 07:07 - United States
Past glory
By Olivia - 09/03/2025 00:00 - United States - Fresno
By meunluckycharms - 14/09/2015 19:54 - Canada - Toronto
Top comments
Hey, at least she remembered you at all. That's something, right?
well, if it's any consolation, after all these years, she's STILL a ******* teacher.
I'm glad they understand. but hell, gotta go where the money is. You work to make $$$ no? besides, after say, 5-10 years of teaching snot-nosed brats who don't respect you for shit anyways, you really think it's _still_ their passion? Odds are they're stuck in their situation and spending all they can on lotto tix.
I'm pretty sure all the teachers I know enjoy their jobs. =/ A lot more rewarding than a lot of professions out there.
please, money spins the world. Otherwise, they rely on another source of _real_ income. If they honestly still enjoy it, then that's a blessing, but work was never meant to be fun. ..hence the name.
Teaching still pays better than a lot of jobs, has better job security and better holidays too...
See, time off! Now you're thinkin'!
Just because someone enjoys their job doesn't mean they don't want to take holidays. Don't be ridiculous.
It wasn't a stab, most high-paying jobs don't allow holidays or most of the days teachers get off. What I meant was, combined with doing something you like, there's actually a plus side to taking the lower-paying job. in all honesty, I've realized my time is worth more than my money nowadays. Money comes and goes but...time, you'll never get back.
No, not all teachers enjoy their jobs. One of mine has made that VERY VERY clear.
I can understand drinking on parents day. Primary schools almost always make you sit on those little childrens chairs, and if it's one of those parents days where all the classes put on performances it can get pretty tedious. My daughters school actually sells beer at the school functions like that. Anyways, maybe she only remembered that because she was concerned about you, so it's kind of nice in a way.
I don't drink. I'm simply mentioning alcohol is often served even at school functions in Europe where we don't abuse it like Americans. Quit being so cut and stalking me.
" Europe where we don't abuse it like Americans." Really?
Yeah... really.
stereotype much?
Hey chikita you totally nailed it, the amount of alcohol abuse by citizens of any age is astonishing we are the only country that you can buy a GUN before taking a swig this is to twinkletoes or what ever
Well someone's Ms. Sunshine today.
so.. your little cousin and your daughter wen t to school there?
No it's her little cousin's current elementary school and her old one.

At least he came to parent's day
twinklestar you are full of shit!