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Say hello, wave goodbye

By Anonymous - 11/07/2009 18:11 - United States

Today, my boyfriend wanted to take me to a movie after days of not seeing me. This long-awaited date involved me paying for food and my movie ticket when he ran out of cash again. He then dumped me as we left the theater walking to his car. Yes, I financed my own breakup date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 858
You deserved it 4 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe part of why he broke up with you is you seem like you expect to always get paid for, treated, and funded on a date. Depending on how long you two have been together for some guys this can get annoying and seem greedy of you after awhile. Don't get me wrong I'm a girl, but yeah I don't just assume my boyfriend will pay for everything. I bring my money and I am fully willing and able to pay for myself on a date it doesn't bother me. If he offers to pay though I'm fine with that too. Also, I offer to pay for him and I both sometimes its an equal giving process. So yeah the breakup was probably over other stuff too, but it really is not so horrible to have to pay for a date. Also, maybe this last date was his last attempt to see if you'd change your approach any. Have you ever even offered to pay for the dates or been grateful when he has paid? Not assuming one way or another just genuinely wondering.

FYL, I'm sorry to hear that. Find someone who will treat you well :)


LOl should have seen that coming if he had no money.

but on the Plus side. its nice to see couples like that not sticking to the traditional rule of men always pay :] oh wait.. he broke up with you. FYL x]

Young_Sparta 0

Damn, thats F***ed up... someone deserves a ******** kick.... LMAO @ 49

Nzhangftw 7

Dumbasses like you piss me off

FYL, I'm sorry to hear that. Find someone who will treat you well :)

justbea777 0

I agree, you shouldn't have to put up with that.

You maybe should've dumped him, depending on how long the two of you had been dating. But why would you go to a movie after when you knew he had no money? I'm sorry though. x-x

Wow! That's sad. But you had a good time right? Probably not....

cuterthanuthink 0

Good riddance to that Loser with a capital "L".

Maybe part of why he broke up with you is you seem like you expect to always get paid for, treated, and funded on a date. Depending on how long you two have been together for some guys this can get annoying and seem greedy of you after awhile. Don't get me wrong I'm a girl, but yeah I don't just assume my boyfriend will pay for everything. I bring my money and I am fully willing and able to pay for myself on a date it doesn't bother me. If he offers to pay though I'm fine with that too. Also, I offer to pay for him and I both sometimes its an equal giving process. So yeah the breakup was probably over other stuff too, but it really is not so horrible to have to pay for a date. Also, maybe this last date was his last attempt to see if you'd change your approach any. Have you ever even offered to pay for the dates or been grateful when he has paid? Not assuming one way or another just genuinely wondering.

mcsnelly 5

the OP said her bf wanted to TAKE her to the movies...if someone says they want to take their gf (or bf) out somewhere, that implies that they will be paying.

If he didn't say anything about it, why should she assume it's a problem? She can't read his mind any more than he can read hers. If he wanted her to start paying her share, then he should have asked her, not just dumped her out of the blue. And like #13 said - he wanted to take her to the movies, implying it was his treat.

kiwistrwbry08 0

Very good points #9. My boyfriend and I take turns paying for things, and it really does even things out so that no one feels taken advantage of or especially financially burdened. To the OP: it sucks that you got broken up with, but these things happen for a reason. Besides, you said that you paid for your movie ticket, not both yours and his, and it isn't specified whether or not you paid for food for the two of you, but really, it sounds like you paid for yourself to go and see a movie, and your boyfriend payed for himself. It's not really that bad. Getting broken up with sucks, but it could have been financially worse. Not really an FYL or a YDI. You'll find someone else, but maybe consider volunteering to picking up the bill every once in awhile.

kiwistrwbry08 0

Or he could have just meant "I'll take you to the movies" as in driving her there with him since he had a car. It could have meant anything everybody has their own take on the meaning of things. I do love how my comment got enough thumbs down to have it shows I convicted enough greedy demanding girlfriends to piss them off. At least hopefully they'll also realize not to be so greedy and take advantage of their boyfriends...then they won't lose them like the OP did. Girls need to stop being so demanding in relationships I've seen it ruin many great ones. My boyfriends says I'm the best girlfriend he's ever had because I'm not overly emotional or demanding like most females I'm actually logical. So people go ahead and give my comments a thumbs down if you like it won't change the fact that most of you are probably girls who have lost a guy because you were too damn demanding.

Her ex boyfriend isn't a mind reader either. How can he know what she's thinking? Maybe he really did mean something different by it than how she took it I'm not saying that is either of their faults, but it is wrong for a girl to just assume a guy will treat her. If a guy says "I'll take you to the movies" I still plan to pay. If he says "and its my treat" then I take it as he's buying I don't just assume he'll pay and I certainly would never get angry if I thought he was gonna' pay and then he didn't because that isn't his fault it is a lack of communication so it would be stupid to get mad over something like that.

0hh_snap 0

Or the fact that while he was gone he cheated on her with another girl and would rather be with that ****.

Exactly what I was about to say, but in a nicer way. I hate girls that act like this.

sofad15 0

Moviefrieak, you are so wrong, and because of stupid doormats like you, guys behave like that and expect women to pay for themselves or even for the guys. If a guy wants to take a girl out, he should pay. Evening things up?? How about girls spending lots of money in beauty saloons, getting manicures-pedicures-masks-hair coloring, hair cuts,etc etc. Gyms, diets. What about that? And than go out and pay for yourself? In that case girl might as well go out with her girlfriend and have more fun. Men are supposed to be head of the family, and take care of finance. And if you pay for your dates, you most likely will be taking care of the family later, because your bf got used to that!! Learn to appreciate yourself.

Well she stated in the post she paid for her own movie ticket. As well as food and she didn't say her own food so that automatically Implies that he had to buy her (ex) boyfriends food as where in this post does it seem like she was asking for him to pay but for him to at least effort to bring enough money for his own food as well as his ticket..

No. I'm a female, and if I invite someone out, I have absolutely no problem paying for both of us. But the post clearly states that he wanted to take HER out. If you invite someone anywhere, and don't clarify the paying methods, it's common sense and just common courtesy to pay. He invited her, therefore he should pay. If it were the girl that invited the guy, I'd be on the guy's side if she didn't pay. It has nothing to do with gender roles, and there's no reason at all to get pissed at the girl. If anyone invites YOU somewhere, ESPECIALLY on a date, it's their responsibility to pay no matter what's between their legs. And if you invite them, get off your cheap ass and pay. End of discussion.

Sounds like you got off cheap. Imagine if you stayed with him? You'd have wasted so much time.

0hh_snap 0

I would've stolen his credit card and got even.

Oh wow,how trifling,,, someone can't handle a break up. seriously you'd add identity theft and jail time,just Cause he dumped you?