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By jgboy - 14/09/2014 15:32 - United States - Franklin Park

Today, I took my girlfriend of a year out on a date, a nice fancy dinner and a movie. After dinner, I said that I was feeling sick and just wanted to go home. I didn't have the heart to tell her that dinner was so expensive that I didn't have money for the movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 199
You deserved it 9 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#ThugLife We've all been in a similar situation, making up something so you don't have to say that you don't have cash. No hard feels...

ash0158 15

I'm sure she appreciated dinner! I'm sorry you couldn't take her out to the movie though, next time set a budget for each event maybe.


#ThugLife We've all been in a similar situation, making up something so you don't have to say that you don't have cash. No hard feels...

ash0158 15

'Gh' just to get top comment? That's so silly.

@ #11 My guess is that they typed "gh" by mashing the keyboard then posted it and went back and edited it after.

yenze 18

@ #1 I would of gave your comment a like if you didn't use a hash tag

ifoundalaska 11

I know not all girls would feel the same as I do, but being a student who works part time and knows the effort it takes to earn money, I can honestly say I would prefer my boyfriend to tell me in this instance, although if it was a bf of a year I'd be offering to split the cost of the date or pay for myself anyway


I've been in this situation. It was hard to admit that I did not have the cash to do everything we wanted to do. When I finally did, she was fine with it. If she is a good person, then she will understand.

ash0158 15

I'm sure she appreciated dinner! I'm sorry you couldn't take her out to the movie though, next time set a budget for each event maybe.

Yeah, next time definitely check out the menu beforehand to get an idea of what it will cost for the both of you if you're planning on taking her out somewhere fancy. I wish I could afford to take my boyfriend out to nice places like that, oh well that's what I get for being in college for 6 years. Hopefully next year I'll be banking.

Maybe he could take her home and watch a movie together at home?

Honesty is the best policy OP. I'm sure she would have understood

At least you're trying! I usually go Dutch on dates so maybe that could be an option in the future? Or tell her the truth. I'm sure she'll understand :)

ohishkabibble 21

#57, going Dutch means you split the bill and pay for your own food/etc.

Usually what I do if the date involves two or more payments we would each split them equally ( such as if we went to a movie one would buy tickets while the other paid for the snacks and drinks). In this situation one would pay for dinner and the other for the movie, then a following date we would switch so one isn't always paying for the more expensive thing.

At least you tried. I hope she enjoyed the dinner with you though :)

if you didnt have enough money why couldnt both of you just pay for your selves or half the bill. Im sure she wouldnt mind and would understand, shes been with you for a year

My boyfriend and I usually do this but on special occasions we like to take each other out. It could have been their anniversary or something and OP wanted to do something special for her. Otherwise I agree, though, dates should be 50/50 :)

BBlah 26

You could've also suggested that instead of going to see a movie, you two could watch one at yours and her house. Either way, I'm sure she appreciated the dinner!

Screw off're so ignorant of every thing around you...

ash0158 15

Is there even a 34 posted yet????

You should have thought of that before taking her out.

Should have just told her I bet she wouldn't have cared. You could just watch a movie at home with her and made it romantic.