Say it

By Her - 06/11/2009 20:36 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of two years took me out to breakfast. We were eating and he kept on staring at me like he was thinking of something really important. I thought he was going to say, "I love you". So I told him to, "say it already." Turns out he was thinking of a way to dump me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 447
You deserved it 5 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MiddleChild08 0

Your boyfriend of two years had never said I love you before (which is what it seems from the way you said it)? I think you should have been expecting a break up...either he really doesn't want to be with you or he has commitment issues...

i don't advocate saying i love you like. a month into your relationship...but if you've been dating for two years and haven't established that you're in love yet...what exactly have you been doing this whole time?


owlz_123 0

Two years and he hadn't said I love you!!! I've been dating my boyfriend for a month and he told me he loved me about two weeks after we started dating!!!

anonymousely 0

@53 FAIL. 2 weeks is not sufficient time. I'd rather wait 2 years than to know he's bullshitting after 2 weeks.

You've been dating for two years and he's never said he loves you??

Better luck next time. 2 years without an I love you is a long time. My partner and I decided we actually loved each other before asking each other out, so we were sure. Best decision. Don’t let people use you.