By sdd - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Switzerland - Lotzwil
By sdd - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Switzerland - Lotzwil
Isn't choir essentially singing lessons anyways?
He probably said that wrong and now feels bad, or maybe he was just joking. Try not to linger on it just forget it.
Sounds like something you'd see in a sitcom lol
I presume your teacher was happy you were finally ready to take lessons to reach your full potential. Or he is a total douche...
Puh-raise the lord-ah! Foar he has bestowed his gift upawwn us in the form of singing lessons for this po' tone deayuf chahld.
YDI only because self improvement, especially where it is needed is a great thing! But Fyl for the embarrassment etc..
I wonder how you got in the choir in the first place if you're a lousy singer.
If he wanted the person to have private lessons to fine tune he would have either worked with them personally or offered the suggestion. Since he probably didn't know how to say they needed lessons without sounding mean he kept quiet.
Maybe you're tone deaf and really can't measure your capability of singing. It usually seems that the people with the less than average (my way of saying untalented) singing voice always sing the most.
Some people just can't sing...
You must not have The Voice you thought you did. But still, that comment would take my Glee away, keep practicing until you're Pitch Perfect!