
By prince232 - 04/05/2016 04:34 - Australia - Sydney

Today, after having a second interview with a club I want to work for, the interviewer ignored my work references. Instead, he told me he was going to call the only manager I never got along with, for reference in a job I left 5 years ago, because he knows her personally. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 152
You deserved it 1 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you have enough other work experience, that was long enough ago that you probably didn't need to include it. When applying for teaching jobs I only include the most relevant and helpful work experience in my resume.

That manager shouldn't even do that. Since you didn't get along with your old one, bias would get in the way. Your 'new' boss really needs to rethink his motives...


Depending on how you conducted yourself while not getting on with the previous manager this may work in your favour. People don't always get along, but how you deal with that says a lot.

Goblin182 26

I hope you have a back up plan

It makes sense that he would value that particular person's opinion more highly, but to not take the other references into account at all, and tell you as much, is not professional at all.

Seriously this is bad luck.. Good luck..

Reason #1 why you never burn bridges when you leave a comes back to haunt you and bite you in the butt

Shalnar 6

Then get HIS managers name and call HIS boss.

Why did you include that person on your resume? There's no way this possible boss would have known they employed you..