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By duko3000 - 06/06/2010 17:36 - Canada

Today, I found out the reason I can't get a job. My previous employer didn't know my name, so when places I applied to called there for a reference, my boss said he had no recollection of me working there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 987
You deserved it 3 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You kind of deserve it.... I'm pretty sure you're supposed to ask someone if they will give you a reference before you put them down for one, so that way they have some notice and aren't surprised when a potential employer calls them.

101393101393 0

Start a new life and call yourself "Pete 'O Grande." Get it Spanish-speaking people? Har har har.


101393101393 0

start a new life and name yourself Pete 'O Grande. Get it Spanish-speaking people? Har har har.

SciGuy013 0

That sucks op. there's not much you can do about that.

phreshboi 1

hahaha that's funny take him off the reference sheet then

It's called by more Social so people can remember you....

Here's a novel idea. Follow the rules!

I didn't misspell anything, seeing as how I didn't write that. I don't know why you would announce to a moderator that you came back after being banned, seeing as how that defeats the purpose of our ban.

Talk to to corporate (like a boss) Approve memos (like a boss) Lead a workshop (like a boss) Remember birthdays (like a boss) Forget employees (like a boss)!!!!!!

When applying for a job there is usually a place asking you to list your previous employers. He never said he listed his boss under reference.. I'm 16 and have only filled out two applications and I even know that.

ticklemechantell 0

35, haaaa =) that made my day

pseudolife 4

#7 has a point. YDI for not informing your former employer that you were using them as a reference.

The first comment was removed so I'm not thread jacking. Oh and this comment is so late no one will give a shit.

you must ghave made a big impression on your old boss!!!

sue your boss for everything he's got! lol

Depends on how long you worked there and if it was a big place with a lot of staff.

YDI, how did you ever expect to get a promotion if you're a ghost to everyone else!?

101393101393 0

Start a new life and call yourself "Pete 'O Grande." Get it Spanish-speaking people? Har har har.

That must be the long lost Spanish brother of Dixie Normus :D

Explanation: Pete O'Grande = Pito grande = Spanish for big dick

You kind of deserve it.... I'm pretty sure you're supposed to ask someone if they will give you a reference before you put them down for one, so that way they have some notice and aren't surprised when a potential employer calls them.

Well, on the bright side, now you know the problem that needs to be fixed.

11- Maybe they were so inconsequential that he never knew that OP worked there. Like maybe someone else hired them and the manager never really knew them. God I'm weird.