See you in court

By Juliet - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Inglewood

Today, my Romeo and Juliet style relationship hit an all time low when my boyfriend's parents filed a lawsuit against my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 115
You deserved it 6 635

Top comments

I hope it doesn't end the same way Romeo and Juliet did.

Damn those Capulets!!! Bite your thumb at them!


Megan639 16

Unless you want the two of you to end up dead, just run away like we all wish Romeo and Juliet had.

If your relationship's similarity to Romeo and Juliet is that you're both 13... I side with the parental units.

Just don't get both of yourselves killed and everything should be fine.

Esran 9

IHaha at least they will be connected in some way :))) and maybe just maybe they will find to love each other. If you're strong and smart enough you will not let this get to you. Romeo and Juliet fight for it (against theirs families )

KacieLee 0

You do know how that story ends, right?

escobar07 10

Wow wow wow. This isn't a fml till you say why.

Now all you need is to both kill yourself and BAM you got yourself a great story!

So you're a pedophile is what you're saying?

Tell them you intend to spend the money on your Juliet, problem solved