Seeing other people

By kayla53 - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Elmer

Today, my boyfriend posted pictures of him at the bar last night with his ex. And ones of them in her bed this morning. I guess we're sleeping with other people? FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 686
You deserved it 2 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would run from that relationship faster than bank account drops after payday.


Eventually, Facebook will have the intelligence to automatically change his relationship status to single after he uploaded those pictures.

actually it seems as if it will stay "in a relationship" just tag a different girl lol

thebighurt 10

I hope you meant ex boyfriend.

Well it is time to find a new boyfriend.

tarlax 11

... something tells me that's not gonna change any time soon. Creep.

Sounds like this douche bag just wanted to break up with you in the most painful way possible

You guess? I would practice saying my EX-boyfriend!

Depends. Do you have an open relationship? Question of the day.

Clearly not, or she wouldn't be surprised that her boyfriend was sleeping with another woman.

What an absolute arsehole, dump him; you'll find someone hell of a lot better and who's clearly got more of a moral compass than him any day.