Seeing other people

By kayla53 - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Elmer

Today, my boyfriend posted pictures of him at the bar last night with his ex. And ones of them in her bed this morning. I guess we're sleeping with other people? FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 686
You deserved it 2 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would run from that relationship faster than bank account drops after payday.


Wow. What sucks most about this situation is the fact that you don't sound like you are dumping him for being a stinky cheater.

Xandrick 22
Goblin182 26

Break up with him and then you get to sleep with him.

Pretty sure his ex knows about you and decided to post them. No man in his right mind(even if drunk) would do such a thing.

I guess you're single. Go past some pics of yourself with other people. Hot people. Sexy people. Hot, sexy people.

Kick him in the throat! Heartless bastard

The fact that you're still referring to that asshole as your boyfriend makes you the idiot in this scenario.

Ruskiy_Cherep 18

Was he aware you two were in a relationship?

Uh.. if having. an open relationship wasn't discussed...he's just a cheater. Leave

Either his ex posted the pictures, or he was trying to force your hand and get you to break up with him. Either way, you don't deserve that. Instead of beating him up about it, which is what he wants, just ghost him and don't acknowledge or talk to him anymore. That will hurt him more than anything.