Seeing other people

By kayla53 - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Elmer

Today, my boyfriend posted pictures of him at the bar last night with his ex. And ones of them in her bed this morning. I guess we're sleeping with other people? FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 709
You deserved it 2 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would run from that relationship faster than bank account drops after payday.


andrmac 25

Well you could post pics in the comments of you doing the cremation of things you no longer want that he gave you or things he left at your house.

Or he's a coward who posted the pictures so he wouldn't have to break up with you himself.

How the hell do you not say "my ex boyfriend"?!?! The **** lady, dump him ASAP

Or he is cheating on you... Or is breaking up with you and that's how he chose to do it. Or maybe you're crazy and y'all were never together. Either way have some self respect...

Ask him to meet you at a bar so he can post pictures with another ex.

You are basically sleeping with everyone your partner is sleeping with, so if you aren't comfortable sleeping with his ex I recommend breaking up with him. Find someone who respects you enough to talk with you about relationship parameters and respect yourself enough to never agree to something if you aren't comfortable. And get tested for stds - you don't know who he's been sleeping with or how safe he has been.

havahnegila 22

What an idiot. Gotta love people who are so stupid they broadcast their wrongdoings.

lemonlaide 9

It's sad to say, but it sounds like either 1. She posted all that from his phone without him knowing. Or 2. He doesn't care about yalls relationship and was using it as a backup plan or a rebound.