Vibe check

By aussiegirl - 15/10/2020 08:02 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression after being severely bullied and harassed at my workplace. It was also today that my fiancée told me I was “creating really negative vibes.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 240
You deserved it 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

Are you seriously suggesting that the bullying is justified because OP is depressed/anxious?

Same thing I mentioned in the previous story: Get a really good flame-thrower.


Same thing I mentioned in the previous story: Get a really good flame-thrower.

If you’re depressed and dealing with anxiety is entirely possible that you’re a part of the problem. Everything in life isn’t one sided. Your co workers suck but you’re clearly not all rainbows and sunshine

ojoRojo 27

Are you seriously suggesting that the bullying is justified because OP is depressed/anxious?

ojoRojo 27

Hopefully your fiancé can learn to be more understanding of mental health matters. I broke up with a guy for saying something similar

I would strongly suggest you quit, no matter how much you need the work nothing is more important than one's mental well-being. You'll be able to find another job, and Centrelink will help you pay your bills while you transition to a new job. Either that or Somehow obtain proof of the bullying and then report it to the Fairwork Ombudsman (or police).

'Vibes' are cold-reading, so yes, he's picking up that you're depressed and anxious--but blaming YOU for it is beyond the pale. If you want a cast-iron skillet to bean your fiance over the head with, I've got some options for you...