
By troubleintoyland - 24/12/2010 03:03 - United States

Today, my fiancé and I attempted to have sex in my childhood bedroom. As we were falling onto the bed, I smacked my head on the wall, which caused a shelf of stuffed toys to fall onto the bed. Not only did it kill the mood, the shelf also hit me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 862
You deserved it 9 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did it make you feel like a child again? Having sex?

Okay, having sex in the place you grew up in would kill the mood. YDI.


perdix 29

You had the gall to get a fluffer facial under your parents' roof? During the holidays? What a *****-****! I'd look up "fluffer facial" in the Urban Dictionary, but I'm afraid of what I might learn. I'm a lesser person for knowing what an Alabama Hot Pocket is.

CaityCatastrophy 0

I looked it up, there's nothing. *pouts*

perdix 29

Well, then go make something up and I'll vote for it, so it can become "real." People do that all the time. I seriously doubt that anyone has ever given or received a blumpkin and someone just made it up as a prank on the rest of us.

Brilliant, chaos. 22, 13 - 10 is an awfully weird way to express 3.

WaitWut22 1

11 are you kidding me. Your coments are so idk just so something. Someone please help me out.

ManaUser 0

I don't get why people have a problem with this (collapsing shelves aside), perhaps it sounds just slightly creepy the way it was worded, but obviously from context it just means she is visiting her parents after having been away (probably home for the holidays), and staying in her old room which was loving kept just how she left it. As along her parents aren't actually present at the time... I don't see why that should stop her from having sex with her boyfriend.


You're both pedos in my book. Why dont y'all just go have sex on every little kids room and tramatize them for life

dude you are the most retarded person I have seen on this site. If you learned to ******* read and spell correctly maybe you wouldn't be a failure and calling the poster a pedophile for no reason. If you look at it, it says in MY childhood bedroom, meaning where HE grew up not his children. People like you are ruining the ******* world.

how do you not know where everything is in your childhood bedroom