
By richard - 21/03/2014 16:10 - United States - Redmond

Today, fed up with my nerdy appearance, I got my hair shaved off, hoping for a Walter White kind of look. I didn't think it was too bad, but not even an hour later, I'd already been called a "fat Bruce Willis" and compared to a freshly circumcised penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 049
You deserved it 8 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's impossible too pull off the Walter White look.

klb9 13

I'm sure it looks good!:) Don't listen to them!


If you're really worried about it don't worry, it grows in so quick. Just try not to tan with a full head of hair and then shave...

melacortez 11

Should have gone for the Hipster look.

Yeah, looking like a "hipster" will get you all the ladies. *sarcasm*

It will grow out - don't worry... my brother let his friends cut his hair - they shaved an x into the back. The SECOND time he let them do this - his friend had a haircut first and ended up with bald patches. My brother looked like Blackadder in the first series - but it grew out and now he looks cool :)

At least you can always grow it back! Unless you're going bald...

skittyskatbrat 19

Hint from a gal... Bald men are sexy :) Look at Patrick Stewart, who is consistently rated one of the "most sexy". Rock that bald head!!!

caircair 3

When in doubt, invest in a hat, at least until the hair grows back.

Chaith 16

Any version of Bruce Willis is a compliment!

It will pass just a start...unless you keep finding assholes that keeps telling you that...