Looking good

By JillianJuneBug - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff

Today, the bad haircut I got recently no longer makes me look like Dora the Explorer. Instead, I now look like He-Man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 221
You deserved it 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Donut_Wizard 23

Now I just want to see Dora pull a sword from her backpack and do battle with Skeletor.

He-Man! Thank the Sorceress you're here! Eternia has fallen into disarray. No one has seen Man-At-Arms for weeks, Skeletor has conquered the palace, and worst of all, these creatures called "hipsters" have invaded, and are demanding that we stop eating meat, gluten, and pretty much every other food in existence. I don't know what to do. We need your guidance, my Prince. Restore Eternia to its former glory!


He-Man! Thank the Sorceress you're here! Eternia has fallen into disarray. No one has seen Man-At-Arms for weeks, Skeletor has conquered the palace, and worst of all, these creatures called "hipsters" have invaded, and are demanding that we stop eating meat, gluten, and pretty much every other food in existence. I don't know what to do. We need your guidance, my Prince. Restore Eternia to its former glory!

So you've gone from "Swiper, no swiping!" to "By the power of Greyskull! I have the power!" Nice upgrade!

Donut_Wizard 23

Now I just want to see Dora pull a sword from her backpack and do battle with Skeletor.

Silent_Paradox 7

And I say, hey yeah yeah yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah I said hey, what's going on?

Or you could say you have the Prince Valiant. Or, better yet, the Velma from Scooby Doo — some say she was the hottest of the girls (I’m not one of them.)

Dora Dora Dora has had a sex change by the power of Grayskull I pull a sword from my pants 🤣🤣🤣

CerealBro1 13

He-Man had fabulous hair, so I fail to see the problem here

OP, Some practical advice - Learn to describe the hair cut you want in detail. Such as so many inches long here and here, bangs or no bangs, rounded or straight in the back, etc. If you do that it will be the end of bad haircuts for you unless you have done it to yourself. Vague things like make me pretty or handsome or whatever simply mean nothing and are completely subject to opinion. Alternatively, use a picture and explain you want it to look like the picture - but be aware that different faces will make a haircut look somewhat different than the picture. I learned how to describe the haircut I wanted when I was 12. I have not had a really bad haircut since then.

welcome to the club lol. I once got a bad haircut and everyone nicknamed me He-Man