
By richard - 21/03/2014 16:10 - United States - Redmond

Today, fed up with my nerdy appearance, I got my hair shaved off, hoping for a Walter White kind of look. I didn't think it was too bad, but not even an hour later, I'd already been called a "fat Bruce Willis" and compared to a freshly circumcised penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 049
You deserved it 8 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's impossible too pull off the Walter White look.

klb9 13

I'm sure it looks good!:) Don't listen to them!


This is very much one of those times where you need to be able to not give a damn. Unfortunately not giving a damn isn't always easy.

Awwe this is terrible. I'm so sorry. You did not deserve that! Im sure it does not look that bad, they are just scum of an excuse for a human.

tehdarkness 21

They just must be jealous since you knock the look out of the ball park! I'm glad your enjoying yourself! enjoy!

Being a female; I would rather date a fat Bruce Willis than a Walter white any day.

Give your scalp a chance to tan. You'll be alright :)

fffianist 9

Say it was for the world's greatest shave in support of Leukaemia patients. Watch them shut the hell up.

So the first thing was go bald, or go home? Didn't just want a hairstyle?

I would take fat Bruce Willis over Walter white