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Sick burn

By Anonymous - 02/03/2023 06:00 - Germany

Today, I got the flu so I needed a sick note. The local doctor’s office has a sign outside saying, “DON’T come in if you’re contagious.” They are also completely unreachable by phone. Sooo, I guess I’ll… send a pigeon? FML
I agree, your life sucks 845
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's ridiculous. The point of the doctor is to be able to go when you're sick. My doctor has potentially contagious patients in the afternoon, so check-ups and others can be seen safely in the morning and mask policy at all times.

It may be time to look for a new clinic. I wonder why this one doesn't have a mask policy.


It may be time to look for a new clinic. I wonder why this one doesn't have a mask policy.

That's ridiculous. The point of the doctor is to be able to go when you're sick. My doctor has potentially contagious patients in the afternoon, so check-ups and others can be seen safely in the morning and mask policy at all times.

I have never understood how it's reasonable to get a doctor's note for proving you're sick. Usually if you work in a place where they don't trust you you probably don't make that much money. If you're really sick you don't want to go to the doctor. I have never gone to the doctor to get a note to prove I was sick. If they don't trust me they can fire me. Seriously even if expense isn't the issue most of the time when you're sick you just need a little time to rest. This is a waste of time for the doctor and you and it probably means you're going to heal slower assuming you don't get a prescription from the doctor.