Sick day

By *cough* *cough* you're a dickface - 27/06/2015 05:48 - United States - Mckeesport

Today, I have the flu, so I called my boss to let him know I couldn't come in today. He told me to think my "lies" through better, and claimed that you can only get the flu during winter. So I guess I'm faking my pale skin, short breath, runny nose, and constant sneezing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 500
You deserved it 1 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

although you can get the flu, yours just sounds like a cold.

Come into work and give him the flu, that'll show him


Your boss is a douche. People travel. Its always winter somewhere. Oh, and I read you are in the USA. That explains a lot - so many people there are dumber than a bag of sand. Sorry that OP has a moron for a boss. I think the only solution is a doctor's certificate.

I'd go to work & give my boss the flu just to prove the reality of their stupidity...but that's just me. Lol

It's extremely unlikely that you got the flu during the summer, and your symptoms sound like a summer cold. But colds are contagious too, and just because you misdiagnosed yourself doesn't mean you're well enough to go to work.

Thats not even a flu. Thats a cold, and no reason to call in.