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By Anonymous - 02/07/2011 19:46 - United States

Today, a riot broke out while I was on shift at the community swimming pool. A family snuck in soap so they could use the pool as a giant bath tub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 533
You deserved it 2 785

Same thing different taste

Relax, don't do it

By Anonymous - 21/08/2023 06:00 - Canada - Windsor

Today, I was excited to finally use the expensive bath bombs I'd been saving. I filled the tub, dropped one in, and settled in for a relaxing soak. The bath bomb fizzed so much that it created a bubble mountain that spilled over, flooding my bathroom with colorful suds. My "relaxing" bath turned into a Slip 'N Slide adventure as I tried to mop up the mess in my birthday suit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 610
You deserved it 187

Top comments

TheGenius 1

Hmm, where do you live exactly? I think I know some people that would do this.

SorrowFull 8

why the pool, when the can use the showers in the pool house? Were they wearing their clothes so they could do their laundry at the same time?


TheGenius 1

Hmm, where do you live exactly? I think I know some people that would do this.

shybear15 0
TheGenius 1

I noticed that. I live in Texas too. I meant more specifically.

KingGeorgeGal 12

Some people just do not know how to respect the community, smh.

your profile says you live in somewhere you liar! I've always wanted to go to somewhere, I heard the stuff and things and shenanigans are good yet bad or something. I dunno, meth confuses you here and there, but yea, you live in somewhere, not Texas :O and that's a great Idea though,. I think the people who invented those tasty mints that you leave in the urinal for an after-snack thought of it first

JacksonCampbell 9
yummycupkake 0

did they have that chemical in the pool that makes urine blue, too?

I was wondering the same thing. Where on earth are people so angry that they start a riot because there are bubbles in the water?

quiet 93 you will wake the snow yeti slumbering beneath your house

texas people are amazing. therefore im amazing : )

imthatguythatdid 0

when I think of Texas I think of sandy from spongebob....

and why is voicing your opinion of me both necessary or contributive to the topic? I also don't really give a squirrels nut. but you can go ahead and make yourself look like an ass :)

#44 You be spot on with that I follow you. these chicken heads they don't even leave the coup.

MrFlintstone 5

see you guys op lives 5 miles away from the border and the family were some illegal aliens that didnt know any better.

rogerusmc23 0

Who uses soap in the pool as a bath tub? All that feces and bacteria. You're just washing yourself in bleach and other people's filth. Sounds disgusting.

Am I the only one who actually knew that 44 was making a joke and am I also the only one who got a laugh out of it?

A lot of people would do that haha...

129 - No, you weren't. It was a good effort. :)

I wanna do that, but with gallons of bubble bath liquid! Epic.

Hey at least they're that desperate to get clean...maybe the riot broke out because everyone was fighting over the soap.

cenax27 0
ghm1234 0
mruizk9 7
mruizk9 7

who cares! people get the point. if ur going to be anal bout grammar and spelling, do it somewhere else!

Oh no, another anti-Grammar Nazi! Run for your lives! Listen mruizk, if you're going to hang around here, you need to realise there are people around who DO care about grammar and spelling. If you don't want to hear the complaints, either stay away or ignore it.

that and make fun of them behind their back for actually caring about something of little importance, but ya. some people got dropped on the head as a baby and enjoy correcting others to make themselves think they are good at grammar. you obviously spelled "u" like that on purpose. so ignore it and move on lol

also 37. "gotta" is not an actual word. so if you wish to successfully kill all bad grammet like a true natzi, you would have realized the correct term is "got to", or in proper english, "have to". good day to you fine douche licker

HelloNoora1 0

You can't use TXT talk in the comments, it's one of the policies.

ahahaha that is just too funny - i want to try that so bad now.

rooney. oh is it? I see. and 63 licking douches isn't as fun as it sounds

Eiregal 7

oh god I love reading FML comments when spelling and grammar wars start, so much fun to read!

The safety net of anonymity. I have had my grammar corrected many times online but never once to my face. And before you sound like an imbecile and say that's because people face to face aren't reading what you write, know that I type up the majority of the signs at work.

52, you forgot the comma after the word 'you' in your last sentence & the word 'English' should be capitalized. As well, you have a completely misplaced period at the beginning of your failed attempt at grammar superiority. Don't be lazy if you're going to correct someone. It defeats the purpose & it makes you seem moronic.

I don't care about grammar. I just find it funny when people do, also, you are easily trolled. or are you ;)

actually ignore my last comment. I mistook 52 for a grammar nazi when it was actually #37... sorry 52, wrong person ;)

I don't care about grammar. I just find it funny when people do, also, you are easily trolled. or are you ;)

it's ok 86, also, way to make that guy yell at his cereal :P

cheer_coach 0

43 - check out your own mistakes before you point out others. the correct spelling is 'realize', not 'realise'. get it right bitch :)

KiddNYC1O 20

115- You are dumb. You are so dumb. The English spell it with an s. Do some research before posting absurd shit.

Docbastard - Using your exact same logic, if you're going to hang around here, you need to realize there are trolls. If you don't want to see those kinds of comments, either stay away or ignore it.

Sadist, I've been around here long enough to know exactly the kind of commenters there are. The trolls amuse me almost as much as the idiots. If I ignored them, how would I have fun? :)

Rico_Mal1116 0

Wtf? who does that?! If you can't beat em' join em'.

Rico who did you steal that car from? I want his address so I can get one too

plum_lovin 28

Why not just use the showers, go swimming, and then use the showers again. All for the same price. Lol. Truthfully I would totally use the pool showers if I didn't have any other way to get clean.

A7X_LoVeee 10

Ah from Texas. No surprises there.

Stereotyping just makes you seem uneducated as well as an asshole.

A7X_LoVeee 10

I wasn't being serious. Shit, calm down.

65 - why are you telling your own shit to calm down?

what a brilliant idea, just open a comminty bath for everyone. Problem solved, everyone is happy :)

They had those in ancient Greece, prisons originally had baths but it didn't induce enough prison rapes

theten_fml 9

eh sounds pretty disgusting

its actually pretty dangerous when i was 10 i climbed steps to a water slide (small one in the pool) and some kid dropped a bar of soap on the slide ( no idea why he had it in the first place) and i slid on it and hit my 2 front teeth off a step. they both got shoved up my gums and had to get them pulled down which hurt like hell and now (4 years later) im going to have to get one off them removed. If you are not carefull it could be very dangerous and could lead to accidents like mine.

It makes sense to me! what a great way to conserve water.

SorrowFull 8

why the pool, when the can use the showers in the pool house? Were they wearing their clothes so they could do their laundry at the same time?

skyeyez9 24

I think they did it more as a prank. If you dump a bunch of laundry detergent into the pool, it will create a ton of bubbles.