Smoking is cool, and you know it

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, after a very heartfelt conversation with my mother, I promised her that I'd quit smoking. I walked in on her smoking my cigarettes an hour later. Her excuse was that she didn't want my money to have gone to waste. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 751
You deserved it 4 166

Top comments

The promise didn't include her not smoking. But she should still set the example.

Sounds like something out of a bad sitcom. Now we just need a shitty laugh-track to make everything more absurd. Come on, guys, join with me. (HAHahahahaha HAah ahahha aahaa)


That blows OP, your mom sucks. That would've burnt your heart.

I think he might have been trying to make a joke about OP's mother "sucking" on a cigarette. Maybe?

Yourheadache 19

Well cigarettes are expensive. ;)

connerwonner 7

Wait was there an implied message there? Why the ;)?

The promise didn't include her not smoking. But she should still set the example.

Well my mother always told me never to waste food because I'm lucky enough to have a meal while others are not. So I suppose this is what your mother is aiming at. Nah, she really didn't want those 7 dollars lost.

Does that mean she made you eat every bit of food on your plate? That's how kids get fat. Why not just make less food or use Tupperware or something?

Sounds like something out of a bad sitcom. Now we just need a shitty laugh-track to make everything more absurd. Come on, guys, join with me. (HAHahahahaha HAah ahahha aahaa)

Just like all those sound effects they use and re-use in the movies. Like the Wilhelm Scream. Just some poor old dead man screaming his death cry over and over again for our entertainment. Depressing really.

crazytwinsmom 25

There's still a lot of people still alive that could have been on those laugh tracks in the 50s.

Not everybody from the 1950's is dead. Where did you get that logic?

That's ok, some of the programs it looks like we are watching dead people act

SeepingSarcasm 7

Not everyone from the 1950's has to be dead to make 7's statement true. It is save too assume that atleast two of those people from the 50's recording are indeed dead. And therefore it is correct to say we are listening to dead people laugh. So that is probably where his logic came from.

Epickitty58 29

Me and my friend read this together and started sarcastically laughing

SmallBean 12

Just because she might not take care of herself, doesn't mean she doesn't want the best for you. However, I do believe she could've instead given those cigarettes to the needy. Like that one bum on the streets!... oh wait..nevermind.

Take her pads and say you didn't want them to go to waste.

Her excuse is a lie! She wanted you to quit smoking so she can smoke your cigs! Although, she should have quit with you too...

If your mother has been smoking for a long time then it might be harder for her to quit. Talk to her. Maybe you two can quit together. Keep each other motivated.