Smoking is cool, and you know it

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, after a very heartfelt conversation with my mother, I promised her that I'd quit smoking. I walked in on her smoking my cigarettes an hour later. Her excuse was that she didn't want my money to have gone to waste. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 751
You deserved it 4 166

Top comments

The promise didn't include her not smoking. But she should still set the example.

Sounds like something out of a bad sitcom. Now we just need a shitty laugh-track to make everything more absurd. Come on, guys, join with me. (HAHahahahaha HAah ahahha aahaa)


perdix 29

It's not hypocrisy, she's just "taking one for the team."

Trisha_aus 15

Do as I say, not as I do. Classic parental line.

This sounds like a classic case of "Do as I say, not as I do." I would have taken the pack from her and told her that she didn't have to worry about MY money because being in good health is priceless!

Iknoweverything 29

"Quiting smoking is the easiest thing to do. I know, because I've done it hundreds of times." ~Mark Twain Don't promise to quit in a heartfelt conversation. If you want to quit, quit. Then your mother being a bitch won't hurt so bad. And yes, I know it's hard to do, but if you're really determined, making the choice for REAL can make the difference.

Doesn't sound like she's going to be winning 'mother of the year' anytime soon... Good luck with quitting!

That's okay my mom quit smoking and she called me for 3 nights straight telling me if I did not bring home a pack of cigarettes for her she was going to kill me. She would text me then call me then text me again,just to remind me. she quit two weeks ago. sometimes its hard to quit. sometimes people don't want to quit, but they want their loved ones to learn from their mistakes

after all she has done for you, smoking your cigarettes stands out?