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ESP like… telepathic?

By Anonymous - 14/09/2023 17:02 - United States - Chicago

Today, I'm tired, on Benadryl, temporarily moved into my mom’s house because my roommate chose to get an ESP dog who sheds, even though I told them I'm anaphylactic crazy allergic. They won’t get rid of the dog and I can’t afford to break the lease. I'm also flunking all my classes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 643
You deserved it 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vesi 29

To the title writer: Emotional Support Pet I'm sorry you got pushed out of your own home, OP. is it possible to go to the leasing office and explain what is going on, about the dog and your allergies? ESPs are not legally recognized so you might get the roommate moved elsewhere.

the dog is psychic? I've only heard ESA and they are actually legally protected in some student housing


Vesi 29

To the title writer: Emotional Support Pet I'm sorry you got pushed out of your own home, OP. is it possible to go to the leasing office and explain what is going on, about the dog and your allergies? ESPs are not legally recognized so you might get the roommate moved elsewhere.

tiptoppc 19

Yes, but with a letter and only on certain situations such as housing with a drs letter to a housing management. But As far as this extends from my knowledge, this only applies in the USA. However, medical violation of lease and if management allows it, it could allow you to legally break lease in US as it makes you place no longer medically safe for you and management knows and allows it has just broken your contract by allowing you to be forced into a medically unsafe situation. Consult a lawyer. This is only in USA where this info applies btw.

the dog is psychic? I've only heard ESA and they are actually legally protected in some student housing

Are you trying to make me horny? It's working! ;)

Like Vesi said, go to the leasing office. If your roommate won't get rid of their pet, then either the leasing office can find other accommodations for either you or the roommate or they can make roommate get rid of the pet. It sucks for the dog but a human being's ability to breathe comes first, always.