Smoking is cool

By Wheeze - 15/10/2022 03:00 - United States - Steele

Today, I've learned that you can get chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from second-hand smoke, even if you don't smoke. I don't have it yet, but my parents are heavy smokers. They insist that the health risks are "exaggerated". Why don't you go tell that to my grandma, who actually DOES have COPD and was a heavy smoker until recently? FML
I agree, your life sucks 694
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're a minor and live with your parents full time, call CPS. Clearly their addiction has a firm hold on them, making them care more about their habit than its impact on your health.

Jon Tessler 14

as someone with COPD, I hope you don't get it. it is a disease that will eventually kill you. you can also look forward to most likely needing a lung transplant, where they only say "you will have about 20 years of life, before your new lungs fail". oh yeah, and doing simple things such as walking up 1 flight of stairs, will cause you to be out of breath


You could survive it without COPD. My parents’ lungs are in fine shape despite having been around smokers a lot as kids.

If you're a minor and live with your parents full time, call CPS. Clearly their addiction has a firm hold on them, making them care more about their habit than its impact on your health.

Jon Tessler 14

as someone with COPD, I hope you don't get it. it is a disease that will eventually kill you. you can also look forward to most likely needing a lung transplant, where they only say "you will have about 20 years of life, before your new lungs fail". oh yeah, and doing simple things such as walking up 1 flight of stairs, will cause you to be out of breath

this is what growing up being told smoking is fine does to people. like anything else if you get assured most of your life it is all fine and doctors are lying for money you start to believe it. it's indoctrination, which is then dug in deeper from the addiction to cigarettes. Call cps and see if they can get someone that can convince your folks the harm it actually does.