
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my mother told my therapist that I've been reverting to childlike behavior and she was worried about my maturity, all because I screamed hysterically after dropping a pot of boiling noodles on my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 135
You deserved it 2 037

Top comments

BlackBlazeCobra 16

What did she expect you to do? Say, "oh it appears I've dropped hot noodles on my lap. This hurts intensely." Your mother needs a reality check.

Suck it up, OP. Second degree burns are a rite of passage. After this your nipples shall be gnawed off by fire ants


citymayer 7

Wow. I'm glad you won't get the time it took for you to be a douche no reason back.

monkiki62 5

What a wasteoid of a mom. You cant fix maturity with therapy none the less anything else by therapy. You pay them to listen to you. What shit. And there is nothing wrong with being childlike also im pretty sure your mom would scream too if she scalded herself.

Her motherhood needs to be checked by a therapist.

Noodles are a solid. They would burn before they start boiling. They cannot become a liquid or a gas, and therefore, have no boiling point.

Oh, shut the **** up. "Noodles" usually refers to the noodles and the water that they are cooked in.

What's so scary about noodles that would make you scream hysterically?

starburst7596 14

Why were you sitting down holding a pot of hot noodles?

wanderingshopper 13

Why was your mom talking to YOUR therapist? Isn't that supposed to be confidential?

Shrapnel15 1

I know that feel, I dropped some ramen noodles on my stomach months ago. 2nd degree burn and I still have a big gross scar.

Lame tiring and painful hope you have third degree burnd