
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my mother told my therapist that I've been reverting to childlike behavior and she was worried about my maturity, all because I screamed hysterically after dropping a pot of boiling noodles on my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 135
You deserved it 2 037

Top comments

BlackBlazeCobra 16

What did she expect you to do? Say, "oh it appears I've dropped hot noodles on my lap. This hurts intensely." Your mother needs a reality check.

Suck it up, OP. Second degree burns are a rite of passage. After this your nipples shall be gnawed off by fire ants


Now is the time to make a statement on how mature you are. Bring home a baby no, wait, bring home a boyfriend.

If I was the mum, I'd actually be more worried if you didn't scream in pain

mykelinva 4

I hope that you are ok, OP. Did the therapist let her get away with that line of thinking? If so, maybe it's time for a new therapist.

tcdaboss 2

Throw some on her and see how she reacts.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Sounds like she's overreacting and she thinks it's childlike behavior? What were you supposed to do, not scream?

I remember this one episode where this girl posts a pointless comment about a children's show on FML

I burned myself 2nd degré on my hand and face on a large surface... and shit, it hurts a lot. The pain was unbearable for 15 long minutes... I had no clue how painful it was, before experiencing it myself...

KiddNYC1O 20

Maybe if you get hit by car it'll be appropriate to scream? So she thinks.

What you could do is pour hot noodles over her lap and then when she starts crying, say "your acting like a baby, maybe I shall call that therapist"

I could make a remark about how her reaction is strange but that has been said so many times. I am wondering why you go to a therapist? She didn't just make the appointment for this event. By her reaction I'm judging that you are going through your teen years, she can't handle it and uses every excuse she can to keep you dependent/submissive to her?