So, are you in or are you out?

By The Fishing Pole - 15/06/2017 18:00

Today, I told my long time crush, "I love you," in an elaborate way. She replied, "What an interesting perspective." FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 764
You deserved it 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CrumblingEarth 2

Elaborate in what way? Sometimes you should be more direct in how you say things. She could have been confused as to what you were really saying. Unless you straight up said "I love you", in which case FYL!

Why would you even say to a crush that you love them? You don't fall in love until you've dated for a while. Don't ever tell someone you're not dating that you love them.


booboobear97 4

Awww I'm sorry op. That sucks ??

What is going on here? I seriously don't understand what I just read. so, so sorry OP.

CrumblingEarth 2

Elaborate in what way? Sometimes you should be more direct in how you say things. She could have been confused as to what you were really saying. Unless you straight up said "I love you", in which case FYL!

Translation: "Go straight to the Friend Zone, and consider it your Hotel California or your Roach Motel."

Why would you even say to a crush that you love them? You don't fall in love until you've dated for a while. Don't ever tell someone you're not dating that you love them.

Maybe you weren't clear. Are you dating? Or did yoy just throw this elaborate proclamation of love at her out of the blue? Because if that's the case, I'd be shocked, and probably wouldn't have managed as nice a response as she did.

"crush" and "love" are separated by about a million miles on the feelings line. I call this a definite FML, but you definitely deserved it!

Fun fact: men tend to fall in love faster than women. Especially if you aren't even DATING, why would you tell her you love her?? That's creepy AF. Plus, the word you're going for is "infatuation". YDI.