By Kovu - 27/02/2012 07:08 - Reserved
Kovu_fml tells us more.
He wasn't in pain. He inhales everything he eats. He as thyroid issues so hes not allowed to eat alot so poor baby is always trying to steal food. :(
Top comments
I guess you could say.... Tensions were getting raw......
make him buy you a new one or tell him he has to move out
Yeah, I can see how that conversation would go. "Buy me a new bacon, dog!" "*wags tail*"
more like "buy me a new bacon, Dawg!" *chest bump
Reppin' Finland, I see, dawg.
sorry my neck is slightly sweaty
I wonder what breed or how big the dog was to get the package down, cardboard included, without chewing!
wrong FML. -.-
41 not a very smart one if he didn't realize ripping open the packet and eating only the bacon would have got him a tasty treat and no vet induced vomiting...
that poor bacon package... >.>
50 was that last bit a joke?
He tore it apart but didn't chew it. Even if he had taken the time to chew, he still would have had to go to the emergency vet. The Bacon was in the sink in the back under a he got it...we have no idea. he's too big to get onto the counter to grab it
Is that him in your picture? What a cutie!
Yes, that's him! His name is Jake. ;]
Film it. Send it over to Epic Meal Time. Smart. Cause 'em bitches love bacon.
I can imagine what vets said. "Huzzah!" "Now that he vomited the package, who wants bacon?" *All vets in the room laugh then freeze-frame*
Are you still going to eat it?!?
I mean, it was unchewed. I'm sure it's perfectly safe.
are we still talkin bout bacon
I've seen what American's call bacon, and I don't think being swallowed whole and regurgitated will change that..
Well, the "bacon" was probably wrapped, so no worries. Safe sex, um, safe bacon.
Fmessiah, I don't care that you've insulted Americans, but you MAY NOT insult bacon. I'm afraid I must challenge you to a duel. To the death.
I wasn't insulting American's. You tube American Bacon vs Australian Bacon, you miss the best bit O.o
Bacon is different in many countries Doc. That was in no way offensive
God forbid somebody mention Americans when doc bastards around!
Jesus Christ on a snowmobile, it was a joke, people. Go do some yoga or realign your chi or something.
51 i think its more about bacon than americans
I will continue to enjoy my 'bacon' while you guys eat that 'stuff'.
Wow that would hurt!
Clearly he loves bacon more than epic meal time! Awesome dog!
What a pig!
My blind dog once got into a pan of rising beer bread dough, ate the whole thing, and when we found her she was passed out drunk.
Nooo silly, what a dog!
take her to AA
Sasha Grey is a national hero.
I love ure pic ...
At least he's alright.
At leaat they cheered?
At least the poor dog threw it up and the whole package didn't have to make its way through his digestive tract.
Vet tech by tradehere, damn straight we'd cheer! NO-body wants to surgically remove a pound of bacon : ) Wouldn't be the worst thing I'd ever seen surgically removed from a dog's stomach. 25 lbs of roadkill deer, including the entire intact tongue, gets that honor. Second place goes to the full-size bath towel, in one piece with no holes, swallowed by a Shepherd.
Try Regurgitated Bacon! Twice the taste, none of the calories!
^^^ Wtf?

I guess you could say.... Tensions were getting raw......
Fmessiah, I don't care that you've insulted Americans, but you MAY NOT insult bacon. I'm afraid I must challenge you to a duel. To the death.