FML for mobile
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By viabbey - 24/08/2019 16:00 - United States - Cadillac

Today, after waking up in a panic since I slept through my alarm, I hurriedly got ready and started speeding to work. On the way, I texted my boss to apologize for running late. His response? "It's Saturday." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 505
You deserved it 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should upgrade to one of those fancy alarm clocks that also displays the date, in order to avoid this in the future. Or, you could go retro, and buy a calendar.

Just tell your boss, “I know, I just wanted you to know how much I love this job!”


least you didn't get ready for a 6am shift only to arrive and someone else in your stead

Maybe you should upgrade to one of those fancy alarm clocks that also displays the date, in order to avoid this in the future. Or, you could go retro, and buy a calendar.

slowhandjp 16

Aw, that's not that bad! I mean, I have bad sleep patterns because of chronic pain, so I have my phone on 24 hr clock because I'd wake up from a nap, be confused about what day it was and think I was late for work, so it happens!

Just tell your boss, “I know, I just wanted you to know how much I love this job!”

Phil 14

Other than the small amount of panic that you felt, I'm not sure that this is a major FML. We've all done that at one time or another. Just enjoy the rest of your day off.