So frustrating!
By Justawoman - 04/06/2014 15:52 - Denmark - Aarhus

By Justawoman - 04/06/2014 15:52 - Denmark - Aarhus
By Anonymous - 19/02/2011 05:22 - United States
By csgocockblock - 27/07/2016 17:26 - United States - Jenks
By Anonymous - 26/03/2022 06:00
By SweetDreamsTibi - 10/02/2019 12:00
By Anonymous - 22/04/2013 20:16 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/10/2020 19:58
By seminole711 - 20/09/2009 14:17 - United States
By chelle - 01/05/2009 17:40 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/03/2009 07:18 - Canada
By ps3isbetterthanme - 11/12/2009 16:44 - United Kingdom
Yep, it isn't that great a game.
Or being bored and then instantly trying to get into sex doesn't work for him? Videogames are much better at killing boredom because of not requiring too much of a mood to get into. How can you have sex without the right mood? And not everyone is a sex fiend, like you may believe. And #3, you've clearly never played the games, they're fantastic. :)
@#1 His priorities are fine. Contrary to popular belief, guys don't think about sex 24/7. Sometimes people are just not in the mood. OP's boyfriend probably didn't intend for OP to get dressed and come over just so he could turn her down... He just said he was bored! If he doesn't want to, he isn't obligated to pleasure OP whenever she wants. When a guy gets ready and a woman is not in the mood, that's perfectly acceptable and everyone should understand. But when the roles are reversed, it ends up on FML. Hahah. :)
Maybe he's just not into her. It happens.
And #54, in this case he clearly did not want to "get into her", if you know what I mean...
#41 - kindly accept this personalized, no ****, long distance virtual hug from me on behalf of all the men who occasionally, let their blood circulate the extra mile all the way up to their upper head instead of settling down around the lower head for ever.
His priorities are straight as an arrow fired straight down a cliff into a target that is all one color.
54, if he wasn't into her, why would she so casually try and have sexual with him? Why would they even be together?
I totally understand that guys aren't always in the mood, but if my S/O put that much effort into pleasing me, I'd appreciate it. Shutting her down like that and playing a game for 5 hours instead is rude, and I'd feel the same if the genders were reversed.
@67 peanut butter is the answer
Yes but he could have actually said that he wasn't in the mood instead of ignoring her for 5 hours.
Nah, man. Diablo is serious shit. Don't get between a man and his game of Diablo.
maybe hes not frustrated?
Okay but seriously who turns down pussy... Answer: a pussy
Yeah, somebody is going to have to clue you in here. He's either gay or getting it somewhere else.
Or it's a really good gamw
Yeah it's just a really good game
Which it isn't.
#2 Or he is just not in the mood? Guys aren't always wanting it, you know.
He is not gay, just needs to learn how to multitask.
OP should spice up the video game playing, like loser has to do all the work, or that other person's idea of "multitasking."
Because they're always gay if not attracted to you.
Well, I guess he found something to do. Too bad it didn't turn out to be you.
The word play here
Delete the game from his computer then :p
Are you Insane?! Go die in a hole demon!
Then there would be a murder, and the jury would understand and let him off.
#14 Chill out, man - it's one guy's opinion. No need to call him a demon and tell him to die in a hole.
Insinuating that a digital game can be deleted.
It wouldn't do much, the Character is saved on his profile, instead ask for him to teach you.. I love when my girlfriend asks that
No offence, but if my boyfriend did that to one of my games that I enjoyed I would be pissed. Just because he didn't want to have sex does not mean she has to go overboard and delete a game that could take hours of his time redownloading.
I don't think turning down sex is the problem here. You're at your boyfriend's house, and he plays video games instead of spending any sort of time with you? He sounds like he doesn't care about your relationship very much.
He is spending time with her. He literally just doesn't want to have sex. Do you assume she stayed under the covers for a whole 5 hours?
How did #7 get so many likes?? ******* sexism man!
My ex used to sit on Skype with his mates and play games that made him angry, especially after asking me to come over. Yet if I even checked my emails which takes less than 2 minutes, he would go insane.
its true!! 100% agree
Yes she does sound like an awesome girlfriend - but just because he doesn't want to have sex at that very moment does not make him gay.
#42, there is no sarcasm font.
My penis hurts
you can only try so hard...
"Diablo or sex? Diablo it is!" said the single man to his hand later that night....Bazinga!
Well to be honest #15 some of those Legendaries can be pretty dam sexy...
You ruined it with the whole "Bazinga" thing.
#51, i think he made it better
If he decided to ********** after doing that, i'd be pretty pissed. He made it clear he wasn't interested, so it would be unfair.
Love your train of thought. Sadly, your boyfriend is oblivious to this. You may want to re-evaluate this relationship. Video games, should NOT take precedence over "quality" time with your significant other.
People need time to themselves sometimes. This was one instance - and there is nothing in the post to insinuate that it happens often. If you think that just because two people are dating that they should always be ready to spend time together and get intimate, you're far off base. That's a relationship bound for failure just as much as one where the two rarely see each other.
She came over coz he spent hours saying he was bored.. He had all that time to himself and chose it to complain.
His priorities are messed up
Well, I guess he found something to do. Too bad it didn't turn out to be you.