By ps3isbetterthanme - 11/12/2009 16:44 - United Kingdom

Today, I woke up and my boyfriend was already awake. Feeling in the mood I slipped off my nightdress and looked him in the eye. He looked me up and down, smiled seductively, reached over... and turned his PS3 on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 922
You deserved it 4 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's a ******* ps3, what did you expect? maybe if it was a wii this would be an fml

clearly he was up for a game... it just was a different one than the one you had in mind


itslilly123 0

ydi for wearing a "nightdress". awesome nickname tho.

it's a ******* ps3, what did you expect? maybe if it was a wii this would be an fml

lol nice. tru but prolly not the right thing to say

clearly he was up for a game... it just was a different one than the one you had in mind

SnoBorder4Life 0

I'm going with hardcore gamer.

perdix 29

You should have turned on the blue light of your Xbox and guided his joystick into the slot.

well clearly he wasn't in the mood. maybe afterward.

Sometimes a guy just ain't in the mood... for you..