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So shite

By Anonymous - 20/02/2020 18:00

Today, my date left the restaurant because I didn’t agree with his opinions about the mentally disabled or mixed race couples, etc. Basically, a real scumbag. He also left me the bill, and it turned out he had all the most expensive menu items, including a £120 bottle of wine. It cost over £300 total. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 362
You deserved it 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where did they say they expected him to pay for the whole thing? You're kind of putting words in their mouth there.

Matthew Irmen 11

Sounds like you were setup. Did he originate the questionable topics?


He didn’t see you as a good match either🤷🏻‍♂️he could’ve paid for his half sure but why is he obligated to pay for your dinner?(if you’re not a good match)

Where did they say they expected him to pay for the whole thing? You're kind of putting words in their mouth there.

“He also left me with the bill” that’s pretty self explanatory. She was expecting him to pay for her meal Even when they weren’t a good match.

....??? It literally isn't??? He left them to pay the whole bill, it doesn't mean, "Oh no, I can't believe he didn't pay for the whole thing." They're lamenting that they were left to pay for the whole thing. He made the choice to get really expensive things and then bail. Even if it's a shitty date, that's a dick move, and that's what the OP was complaining about.

redvibes23 14

They should have split, not that he was obligated but neither was she

you're obligated to pay your half unless the other person offers to cover you. so yes he was obligated

you're obligated to pay unless the other person offers to cover your half. so yes he was obligated

unless the other person offers to pay for you yes you are obligated to pay for yourself. he was most definitely obligated to pay at least half.

kathy10 3

I would have paid for my half only

too bad that's not how the world works. if he leaves you can't just tell the restaurant you'll only pay half since the man who was here is a meanie....

Matthew Irmen 11

Sounds like you were setup. Did he originate the questionable topics?

Sounds like he scammed you for a free meal.