Some things never change…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Fresno

Today, I walked into my house with my friend, only to discover my husband, half-naked, and yelling at the TV screen while watching a soccer game. By half-naked, I mean he was only wearing a shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 034
You deserved it 2 946

Top comments

You've got to air out your crotch every now and then, why not do it watching an intense game of football.

unknown_user5566 26

You mean tearing off my clothing in a fit of rage whilst watching sports ISN'T normal? I guess that explains all the strange looks at my local bar, then.


perdix 29

Thank you for the explicit description of half-naked. I'm thinking we ought to set up something like March Madness. In one bracket, we let the TV and microwave duke it out, and in the other, we pit the two drunk, half-naked guys together. In the final, we outfit the winning appliance with a taser and give the winning drunk guy crystal meth. MMA will lose ratings to this spectacle!

I saw this FML and knew you'd appreciate the detail on which half.

saIty 17

Sometimes the boys need to breathe.

unknown_user5566 26

You mean tearing off my clothing in a fit of rage whilst watching sports ISN'T normal? I guess that explains all the strange looks at my local bar, then.

I'm sure I speak for the other bar-goers when I say: by no means take that as a sign to stop!

hamrtym 15

Unless you're the hulk, no that is not normal. Wait, strip club and sports bar combo... I think we have something here! Are you looking for work?

unknown_user5566 26

31- As long as my team (Arizona Cardinals) continue to be a disaster, I won't be stopping anytime soon. :P 37- In all seriousness, that is a brilliant idea. A sports bar/strip club combo has "success" written all over it.

perdix 29

#14, strange looks? I'd hope for your sake, you'd be getting tips ;)

jmayes414 5

37 - That's a division of attention I'm not sure I can handle.

Well it's best to watch sports as comfortable as possible even if it means leaving your meat stick flopping around everywhere.

honeybadgerr 9

The visual you just put in my head maybe me throw up in my mouth a little bit

26 - Not a single comment you've made has convinced me that you just don't care. I'm starting to doubt whether you're a honey badger at all!

winkydog4056 16

#33_And this coming from a guy who can't keep from whacking his nuts everytime he turns around.....

33 - If that was a regular occurrence, I wouldn't have made an FML about it. How does having a bad 5 minutes disqualify me from having an opinion?

Was your husband shouting at the microwave half naked at the middle of the night last night?

wildsweetchild 19

It's his house he could be fully's his being your friend though...not the most pleasant scene.

What was he doing half naked? Is that all he goes around in?

lollovelife0304 3

I thought I read that you walked to your friends house and you saw your husband half naked.

calilovergirl 4

I don't get it! Who cares! Man is in his own house! Who doesn't like to walk around half naked or fully naked at home??

Thank you! If I want to walk around my house naked, kicking doors open, shouting "THIS IS SPARTAAA", I can and I will.

Jessj958 19

28-I don't think she is against that logic, I think she was more embarrassed that her friend seen it. I know that I would be BUT I always let mine know if I'm bringing a friend over to avoid embarrassing situations like these.