Some things never change…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Fresno

Today, I walked into my house with my friend, only to discover my husband, half-naked, and yelling at the TV screen while watching a soccer game. By half-naked, I mean he was only wearing a shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 034
You deserved it 2 946

Top comments

You've got to air out your crotch every now and then, why not do it watching an intense game of football.

unknown_user5566 26

You mean tearing off my clothing in a fit of rage whilst watching sports ISN'T normal? I guess that explains all the strange looks at my local bar, then.


Derpylicious 3

If you weren't expected to arrive with company and he often does that you should probably call ahead.

Should've informed him that you're bringing your friend over at least. That would've been better.

amerikaninfidel 2

Seems perfectly reasonable to me

perdix 29


It strikes me as odd that if you're a guy, and you're going to choose just one thing to wear, you'd pick a shirt. Who IS this guy, Donald Duck?