By Anonymous - 10/08/2013 19:28 - United States - Winston Salem
Same thing different taste
By Brittany - 28/03/2012 02:38 - United States - Kerrville
By Anonymous - 23/02/2013 01:47 - Australia
By f.m. - 23/07/2018 16:00
By burrito kid - 17/12/2016 06:56 - United States - Mount Pleasant
One tiny mistake
By Anonymous - 02/06/2022 03:00 - United Kingdom - Coventry
By Katie - 23/06/2011 16:39 - United States
By Username - 12/01/2010 04:03 - France
By unlicensed - 01/08/2012 16:20 - United States - Charlotte
Who's fault is that?
By junie b - 03/03/2022 22:00
By Chaosfigure - 03/09/2017 13:00
Top comments
And this is when you report him and say "you failed, at keeping a job"
There related to the instructors and when they're about to fail they say "c'mon dude you owe me one."
I would have also made the point that if you were turning left, then the car who ran the red light would have hit the instructors side and he could have died. You are in other words the hero and saved their life so they should stop being a dick!
That is a good way of putting it! Way to be a Hero OP!
<sarcasm>No, EVERYONE knows that op should've kept going then slammed on her horn repeatedly, duh. </sarcasm> I moved to North Carolina from PA in January, and I can't even begin to tell you how many cars I've seen go even when the light is red (I've seen anywhere from four to six cars go at once after the light has turned red)- so, OP you're going to need to get used to shit like that. Also, you're going to want to prepare yourself for people cutting out in front of you, cars driving without their headlights on (in the dark and in stormy weather). From what I've seen, there's too many people who text/**** around with their phones while they're driving, so just keep being a cautious driver and good luck, hopefully you'll pass next time.
42 - I live in Montreal, where drivers are notoriously unpredictable. My instructor said the same thing, and to ALWAYS look and be aware. Saved my ass in a few close shaves.
OP, I believe, the whole point of getting driver's license is to understand that what is meant to be a means of transportation can also be a weapon. Choosing the safest route/aka avoiding trouble and retards is always the best thing to do, so I couldn't agree more with everyone in this branch of responses. Report the ass. Good luck and hope you pass next time with an instructor that is interested in your and others' safety rather than his wallet...
Yeah, I was taught not to enter an intersection until it was clear of opposing traffic. And to drive defensively. Who the hell takes a turn because they got right of way, knowing they're going to get hit by an asshole running a red light?!
OP is a coward. Should push through next time.
#100 I've seen someone do that just to get the insurance money to replace the car purely bc no matter hat it's the one running the red light's fault. Stupidity getting rewarded. OP you did the right thing and I Hope you have taken everyone's advice and reported him and are given another chance to take your test soon. We need more careful, smart drivers out there!
I've found that DMV employees are among the bitterest people on the face of the earth.
You have never worked in retail then. We are the worst people, we just can't show it because we need our jobs. As much as we want to beat the shit out of people for every "if it doesn't scan then it's free!" joke or bitching at us for the price of something you saw on a sign that doesn't exist, we sit and smile, thinking "it's not worth it... yet..."
Just wanted to mention that the DMV doesn't give the final test in every state. In Virginia you need to pay a company to take a driving course and the instructors there give you the final test. But other than that, yeah they are bitter.
Why was this downvoted? It's a valid point. Referring to 103, btw.
They fail you even if its not your fault... try again op!
They'd fail you even if you went for it knowing that car was coming for "taking an unsafe risk". It's such a money grab.
Yeah after some idiot does that you might as well go back to the building, it's over either way...
I would think you should be able to fight that... They must have a Drivers Ed court or something :P But seriously, that instructor was way wrong and should not have been able to fail you for that. Actually, you should have gotten bonus points for being a safe driver even when others around you pose a danger.
You may have failed, but at least you're still alive OP. Your instructor must be an idiot.
I can't believe people let douchecanoes like that instructor have jobs.
Douchecanoes... I learned a new word today!
That was yesterday's word of the day
Instructor is a tool and an idiot.
So...a hammer or a Phillips screwdriver?
Drinking screwdrivers will also get you hammered. :P
...and then nailed?
You did the right thing. I'd rather fail at a driving test than fail at life.
I bet he still would've failed you if you kept going. FYL.
At least you're alive OP, I'd rather be alive and well than to be rammed into. Also, your instructor is stupid.
Sign of the times... My dad had the exact opposite happen to him. Avoided being hit by a car the instructor didn't see, so he was passed on the spot.
Does that happen? I'm sure he would've passed anyway, but shouldn't avoiding being hit be a normal expectation of taking the test?

And this is when you report him and say "you failed, at keeping a job"
You did the right thing.