
By FailedSniper - 22/03/2011 16:31 - United States

Today, I saw my dad's friend across the street working on my neighbor's roof. To continue the airsoft war we'd been having, I shot at him with the sniper gun I'd bought. I hit him, and he fell off the roof. I ran over to see if he was OK. It wasn't my dad's friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 151
You deserved it 53 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hobozrule 4

y would u shoot him while he was on the roof

what is a sniper gun you mean sniper rifle and you are just retarded to shoot anyone on a roof


YDI for not thinking your dads friend would've fallen off the roof too dumbass

lol @ #162 this isn't call of duty. get a ******* life and a job. and gtfo this website

zippeay 4

#34 by who, Chuck Norris? I think the death sentence is a bit too harsh. besides, last I checked the only weapon he needs is his fist.

hey OP remember to call me when you or your dad's friend lose an eye. Oh, and it's the retards like you that make the airsoft laws so strict and give the sport such a bad rep.

mrperspire 4

Ya. There are rules to airsoft. Roof shots; approach with caution.

nice shot, asshole. I hope he sues the hell out of you

What in hell's name is wrong with you?! You don't shoot people on roofs. Just, no.