
By Anonymous - 01/05/2019 18:00

Today, I finally got my forklift license after training for a week. Almost eight hours later, I lost my license by not lowering my forks, crashing into and destroying four overhead light fixtures which cost more than $500 in damage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 784
You deserved it 3 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

By the amount of fork lift crash videos online, they should probably require more than a week of training to get your license...


By the amount of fork lift crash videos online, they should probably require more than a week of training to get your license...

I had a 2 minute crash course on how to work the controls and then I was ordered to start operating a rough terrain forklift at my work. After an hour or so I got pretty decent at it. It isn’t difficult to drive a forklift.

Look at all the car crash videos on the internet. seems like you need more than 1 year training.... (canada) honestly some people are just idiots and should never have a license.

I am mee 8

A week is clearly not long enough for that kind of training. Or was it just you?

blondie45 21

How the fork did you get that license in the first place!

Trinity Fenwick 7

wow. not that hard to pay attention at work. also would think that you would be extra cautious especially on your first day. ydi

Matthew Irmen 11

I’ve seen much worse from seasoned veterans. Try again with a little caution

you're lucky because where i work, if you did that, the company would be fined

I am mee 8

I got a forklift license and skidsteer in one day