
By Anonymous - 31/08/2012 02:47 - United States - Fairfield

Today, I got rear-ended. An old woman got out and came over to my car window. I thought she was coming to apologize and trade insurance companies. Instead, she poured her soda on my head, ran back into her car, and drove away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 667
You deserved it 1 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theslimshadylp 6

Old people just don't seem to give a **** these days.

omfg_creepers 8

Now that's a sticky situation


Old or not, that's a hit and run. She's old enough to know that behavior is unacceptable. Totally her fault if she ends up in jail. She should probably be locked up before she does that to someone else. The next person could get seriously hurt.

Papiamilli 1
DylansMomma 9

Your comment : I hope he bought you one after that.

How did she out run you? If she was old either she can't run or it took her atleast a whole minute to get into her car

Some old people are surprisingly fit, and OP might have been frozen in "Did that really just happen?" shock at first. I know I would be.

gators1995 30

If only it was Christmas then Santa would have ran her over with his reindeer lol.

The_9th_Doctor 18

you should have gotten out of the car and tazed the old bitch

StriderSword 9

I hope you got the license plate!