
By Anonymous - 31/08/2012 02:47 - United States - Fairfield

Today, I got rear-ended. An old woman got out and came over to my car window. I thought she was coming to apologize and trade insurance companies. Instead, she poured her soda on my head, ran back into her car, and drove away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 667
You deserved it 1 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theslimshadylp 6

Old people just don't seem to give a **** these days.

omfg_creepers 8

Now that's a sticky situation


Sometimes in this world, if you allow yourself to be a chicken, you're gonna get eaten by foxes (or rear-ended and spilled soda on).. Gotta learn to react fast.

GothInside 6

Wow grannie racked up some charges! Hit & run & either assault or battery (I can never remember which is which) for dumping the soda on u. Sorry OP, hope u at least got her licence plate number!

I get it mixed up sometimes too. Assault is the attempt and battery is making contact...I'm fairly sure.

I would've ran her down and rang her neck for all that is holy!

Didn't think to get her plate number when he drove away?

senbonzakura90 3

I guess that's how they handled their business back in the day

What a B*tch... you should have ran her down!!