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By Anonymous - 10/11/2009 22:57 - United States

Today, I woke up in a complete daze. It took me a few minutes to realize what had happened. Apparently my sleepwalking problems have returned, only this time I managed to overdose myself with Nyquil. As a result, I slept for fourteen hours, wet my sheets, and lost my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 880
You deserved it 4 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

burnquist764 0

Good lord! Count your blessings that you didn't take a lethal dose of something. I'd see someone right away if I was you.

One no-call no-show at work, and you're fired? Sure there wasn't anything else that led up to that, and this was just their excuse to finally drop you?


What the hell is Niquel? I think you mean Nyquil...

he said Nyquil, idiot. if you're going to make a correction, make sure there's something to correct.

It was corrected after my comment was posted, assrag.

Dcvictorious 0
dramakat11 0

She obviously took the nyquil while sleepwalking! My friend's dad eats while sleepwalking all the time. It's hilarious. He eats really weird thinks like pickles dipped in margarine or still-frozen corn dogs.

Dcvictorious 0

Dunno if it's a she but, how would she have any clue she overdosed?

Dr_Pepper_fml 3

perhaps she saw the empty bottle somewhere? and there's something that would have to explain sleeping like that....

Dcvictorious 0

I sleep for about that if left to my own devices but I don't take sleeping stuff so have no idea if this"overdose" is good or bad.

You're a dude. I read somewhere that dudes fair better if they have a sleeping schedule (a constant set bed time and wake time), whereas women fair better if they are allowed to sleep as they wish, waking themselves rather than setting alarms or someone else waking them. Kinda odd... But, anyway, it's not really a good idea... though I'm sure even if you're a chick it's a problem if it's 14 hours. That's too much sleep. Also consider that you're a young teen. Sleeping long is easy for you, but if OP is an adult (beyond the lower 20s) then sleeping long isn't so easy. Also consider that if OP is sleepwalking, likely (s)he doesn't sleep easy in the first place, so overdose can be what kept him/her out, especially if (s)he pissed him/herself. Aaaand, yeah, probably OP found evidence of what happened and assumed.

Whoops, didn't mean to say "young teen" just young. Jeeeeezzzz

One no-call no-show at work, and you're fired? Sure there wasn't anything else that led up to that, and this was just their excuse to finally drop you?

Caayouteepie 0

How could they fire you for just not showing up one day? explain what happened. i mean seriouslyyyy.

Sun_Kissed18 25

They probably have a track-record due to other issues or the sleepwalking which was insinuated from the "sleepwalking problems have returned" part

TheDrifter 23

I'm thinking it's a Nyquil problem and the op just overdoses regularly enough that they think they're sleepwalking and drinking it by the bottle full.

You must have a wild night sleeping beuty

burnquist764 0

Good lord! Count your blessings that you didn't take a lethal dose of something. I'd see someone right away if I was you.

Peacemaker9 7

All that happened just because you sleep walk? Man that sucks!!!!!!!!!

blland 0

that's pretty pro of you just to be able to reach a bottle of medicine, open it, and take it without your eyes.

jane99 0

What do you mean 'with out your eyes'? I do crazy things in my sleep. Change clothes, clean, do laundry, rearange things. So apparently sleepwalkers do use their eyes.

perdix 29

Showing up for a job a day late smelling of urine and Jaegermeister is a career-limiting move.