
By Taylor D - 07/08/2011 04:40 - United States

Today, I went to Walmart to get some acne cream. As I approached the register, I looked in my wallet for the money. The cashier saw that I didn't have enough money, and before I could say anything, he goes, "Just take it, I've never seen anyone who needs it this much." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 210
You deserved it 4 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take your glove off, slap him, and take your business elsewhere.

AaronTkr 0


welcome to walmart get your shit and ge out! lol i guess you needed it op, but you cant complain to much you got it for free right?

perdix 29
TheRealHouse 7

Don't you mean Jefafa.. DUNNhaaaahhhmmm

perdix 29

Then, it's a coincidence. I just saw a part of one of his shows and his grumpy, old man doll, Walter, said what you did, verbatim.

lhasselb 0

Employees at Walmart have been saying that for many years. :P it's very true tho.

Just proves nothing in life is free. Sure you didn't pay for it with money, but it still came at a cost. Your pimples.

perdix 29

Too ugly to be at Wal-Mart ... yikes!

sexxme 9

Well I mean you did get free cream. And if you continue to use it, I'm sure your acne will clear up too! So with a positive outlook, this is a win-win situation.

duckman9 55

She did lose something: her dignity. I think that's a lot more important than stupid acne.

It's amazing how many people think it's fine to be rude to someone over $6.

sexxme 9

This is true, but I was trying to be positive. I'm sure while looking at the situation negatively, my comment would be way different.

MwahFMLS 6

Well at least you got it for free..

YummieYogurt 0

Maybe you should wash your face more?

sxe_beast 11

Washing your face doesn't always help. If the OP has really, really bad acne then they should see a dermatologist, not walmart. Retinols, accutane, antibiotics, etc. :D

ryanst 7

There's also doctor's prescription that you don't ingest, if you're afraid of side effects of drugs like accutane. Washing your face doesn't help severe cases of acne unless you also drink lots of water and eat healthy.

sxe_beast 11

That's why I suggested Retinoids :D! My older brother used Retin-A in addition to an oral antibiotic and his face was clear in a few months.