Stage 1?

By Waterfalls - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Carlsbad

Today, I stood up too quickly and got dizzy, so I sat on the edge of the bed to regain my balance. I started dozing off to sleep again, got confused, and peed down the side of my bed thinking I was on the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 598
You deserved it 10 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

That is a bad day..dear lord I hope I don't have those days.

In 5th grade I dreamt that I had woken up and walked to the toilet and peed only to wake up in pissed sheets :/


I would get dizzy from standing up too fast a lot due to very low iron and blood sugar. Might be worth a doctor's visit if its a frequent thing! sorry about the bedspread OP

I get those dreams multiple times a week, Sometimes multiple a night, but Ialmost always stop myself in my dreamfrom peeing because something feels wrong, then I wake up. Other times I pee in the dream but I've never peed the bed and usually don't need a wee when I wake up.

Wow character limit on phones, I was going to add for me its probably my lifelong OCD about Using toilets that causes them , but I talked to a doctor who said anyone can be in too deep a sleep to wake up in time to not wet the bed. The light headed thing sounds like low blood pressure, I get that.

Another case of the pre-coffee dementia

I could only swear that this is exactly what happens to me when waking up in the early morning hours.

Stephencharis 14

think you should go back to the prob came too soon...

that has happened to me before I woke up in the middle of the night but I was only half asleep and I really needed to go pee and since I was o lay half awaik I though I got up but instead I peed in the bed

Aw poor op. Hopefully the rest of your day went better