
By Anonymous - 04/10/2009 02:56 - United States

Today, I was trying on dresses in a stall that requires an employee of the store to have a key to open. After I took off one dress to go to another, an employee quickly opens my door, to give the stall to someone else. The entire store could see me in my granny panties and bra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 040
You deserved it 6 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissNat_fml 0

and how the hell does she deserve it ? it was the employees fault for opening the door....

see, really it was all part of the store's master plan. they knew they had you hooked on the dress, but they wanted to squeeze every last penny out of you by making you buy some new underwear too :-P they just had to find a way to make you ashamed of your panties... :-P


Yeah this is dumb. This isn't even a FML. Get over it!

I got an employee fired for doing that to me before. you should have done the same.

why is everyone assuming the OP is a girl?

doglover339 4

Well considering op was wearing a bra and panties and trying on dresses it would most likely be a female

doglover339 4

Ok first of all who cares if she was wearing granny panties?!?! It's for ur own comfort some people choose to wear those and it doesn't matter she never thought some derp of a employee will open her dressing room door so u guys need to stop saying she deserved it!

They didn't knock. How ignorant. FYL

YDI for leaving the changing stall in you underwear. Let's try thinking next time.

She didn't actually leave the stall. Try thinking next time.

What are you even talking about? She didn't leave her stall. She was inside the stall, changing, when an employee suddenly opened the door. Let's try actually reading the post next time, dumbass.

I hate those stores. Some of the employees don't even knock before they try to unlock it

doglover100 28

I hate those dressing rooms.